Corporate Governance    

Company’s Corporate Governance Philosophy

Corporate Governance is a multi-faceted subject and based on principals of integrity, fairness, equity, transparency, accountability, and commitment to values. It is company’s firm belief that good Corporate Governance is the backbone of the entire business organization and is the key to success of business.

We believe that a sound governance process is imperative for two reasons:

  1. To protect the stakeholders’ interest and to insure that no stakeholder benefits at the expense of others.
  2. Board of Directors remains committed towards this end.

“AUROMA” has been practicing the principals of good corporate governance over the years and recognizes that good corporate governance is a continuous exercise and reiterates its commitment to pursue highest standard of corporate governance in the overall interests of the stakeholders. Your company’s philosophy envisages an attainment of highest level of transparency, accountability, and equity in all facets of its operations and in all its interactions with its stakeholders, employees, lenders, Government and society at large.

The Company has complied with all the requirements of corporate governance envisaged in clause 49 of the Listing Agreement.